We represent our clients legally through our specialists in matters of Labor Law insuring a clear decrease in the legal risk the company has towards its employees. We give counsel to our clients on preventive measures, support them in the early resolution of disputes when possible and represent them in litigation when necessary. It will always be our aim to have lead an adequate defense in order to avoid any unnecessary cost. The support that we provide are:

Review of the labor contracts - - Trials of cases of unjustified dismissal
Review of employment file - - Litigation due to contract terminations
Review of dismissal formats - - Claims due to occupational risk
Complete management of the dismissal process - - Trials concerning labor and pension benefits
Participating in employee meetings - - Claims regarding joint and several liability
Advice in C&B matters - - Strike procedures
Participation en negotiations with the trade unions - - Complaints to the Ministry of Labor
- Advice concerning company policies and procedures

We will take care of attending any requirement put forth by the authority such as summonses and subpoenas regarding labor issues is concerned. Furthermore we will present any legal remedies to abovementioned issues as for example labor incidents, inspections and complaints.